兼并收购,并购 (M&A);
Barely fifteen months later, it has become a cautionary tale of the pitfalls of international mergers and acquisitions.
——柯林斯例句They manage a company offering advice on mergers and acquisitions.
——柯林斯例句By 34 he was head of mergers and acquisitions at a big bank.
互联网Carrying off mergers and acquisitions and calling them growth?
互联网Mergers and acquisitions ( M & As ) reflect strategic transformation in traditional conception of competition.
企业 并购 现象反映了企业传统竞争观念的战略性转变.
互联网Doomsday, and developers fate steelyard weight: Union mergers and acquisitions sell?
大限后中小地产商命运磋砣: 联盟并购出售?
——期刊摘选In the world of mergers and acquisitions, that horse would be peddled as Secretariat.
在并购的世界里, 这种马常被当成圣物到处兜售.
互联网GS : What are your thoughts on recent mobile mergers and acquisitions?
互联网The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed.
互联网Areas of practice: law, securities law , mergers and acquisitions , finance law and infrastructure construction.
主要业务领域: 公司法 、 合同法、知识产权保护、投资 、 金融及期货及诉讼和仲裁.
互联网Careful at the value the company's mergers and acquisitions.
互联网In previous years, cross border mergers and acquisitions were a major source of growth of F . D.
早几年, 跨国合并或并购公司是对外直接投资增长的根源.
互联网Demand for high - margin work such as initial public offerings and mergers and acquisitions is rising.
互联网The industry has consolidated in recent years through mergers and acquisitions.
互联网In reality , many mergers and acquisitions fail.
可是, 确实很多企业并购失败.
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